And the balancing begins...

And the balancing begins...

Monday, November 15, 2010

Taking time for me!

I have begun to realize the importance of taking time for me! I work long hours and at the end of the day there really isn't enough time to take care of the care taker. I have started feeling less guilty about the time that I have started to take for ME! 

One thing that I have started to do is reward myself every 6-8 weeks with a hair appointment. I go to the salon during work hours and I don't look back. It also helps that my stylist is a perfectionist, so she takes her time. There is no rushing during her hair appointments, which makes it even better for me. I love the time at the salon! Adult conversations, gossip, and catching up with opinions about reality TV and Hollywood couples.

The next thing is game night with the girls. Every month a group of us get together at each others houses. We pay 10 dollars and the host of the evening will purchase gifts and food. We play all sorts of board games, dice games, and word games. It is a hoot! Plus it gives us a chance to unwind and have some beverages outside of work. 

Don't underestimate the value of happy hour. Fortunately, we work across the street from one of Gillette's most popular restaurants. It is tempting and often necessary after a long day's work to partake in the beloved happy hour! At certain times of the year, when there are several pending deadlines we love ourselves some drinks! 

My new fix is working out! I am starting to work on myself, inside and out. While I am working diligently on dumping debt in my life, now is as good as time as any to go ahead and dump some weight. I am finding that if I work out I have more energy throughout the day. I am going to train for a triathlon in May. I am excited and ready to change this part of my life. I am working out before work and after. 

The last little hint is ALWAYS, ALWAYS keep a bottle of wine on hand for those days that are more difficult than others.  

Wednesday, November 10, 2010


Well eons ago I decided to Blog about my triumphs and pitfalls while working 40+ hours and raising a family....then I only had one child and now there is another. I forgot my password or even that I created such a site until reading my sister in laws blog about her ideas to help other moms with info and advice. Oh yes, I had one of the those sites! And here I am! Ready to tell about the mistakes and the the little tricks of the trade that I have learned (and still learning) the not so easy way.

I get a lot of grief from friends and family for deciding to work after staying at home with Avon for the first 18 months of his life. I brush it off and pretend that it doesn't affect me but in all truthfulness, it does. Most women are working and then have kids and decide to stay at home. I have had the best of both worlds and I LOVE MY a wife, a mother, a manager of the home, a nurse to my kids boo boos, a laundry mat operator, a chef, a cleaner, and as a teacher inside of the home and out. Fact of the matter is, I LOVE HELPING CHILDREN! I am so lucky to have a career in helping children and receiving endless blessings from the lives that I impact daily. Teaching special education is even more rewarding. I love working with children and families with disabilities.

I work long hours! And at certain times of the year, I am more busy and I am super stressed. I have learned things to do to create a better me. A better version of myself for my family and my families at work. I hope that this will help other moms in similar situations, or for those who want a good chuckle at the craziness that I have done. So enjoy~!